
Lezioni online


Teacher: Armando Pisani
Institution: ISIS - Dante Alighieri - Liceo Classico - Gorizia, Italy

In this page you can find the lectures I gave in English during this school year.

  I strongly recommend to use the physics textbook of the Open Stax College: it is a really excellent book.


Jan., 29, 2014
Motion with constant acceleration: analysis of the motion of a cart on an inclined plane (with Tracker).

Here you can find the zipper movie of the cart.
Here you can find the zipped movie with the analysis with Tracker.
Here is the web page of Tracker.
Here is the web site where you can find open textbooks.
This is an excellent textbook of physics.
download zip file
Feb., 7, 2014
The law of falling bodies. Analysis of the motion of two balls with different masses, with Tracker.

Here you can find the zipped movies of the falling balls.
Here you can find the zipped movie with the analysis with Tracker.
This is a draft of a report on the working session of the tracker analsis.
Here is the web page of Tracker.
Here is the web site where you can find open textbooks.
This is an excellent textbook of physics.
download zip file


Title of the lecture
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December, 4, 2014

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Nullius in Verba: the motion of the planets beyond the Kepler's laws.

Here you can find the simulation named SimplifiedolarSystem4 that I wrote for this lecture. This simulatio is written in java by using the Easy Java Simulation  (EJS) pakage.

Here you can find the link to the EJS classical model of the Hydrogen atom.

Here you can find the EJS simulation of the classical model for the Helium atom.

Here you can find the link to te EJS simulation of the periodic orbits for many body systems.
download zip file